Opaque Smoke School was founded on the belief that there was a better way to achieve Method 9 certification. Our dedication to excellence in ‘Smoke Schools: Opacity Training Method 9 Certification’ has driven us to develop a program that is both time- and cost-effective, ensuring our students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the certification exam.

Our customized smoke schools and opacity training programs are specifically tailored to meet the unique requirements of our clients. In line with the standards of ‘Smoke Schools: Opacity Training Method 9 Certification’, we collaborate closely with you to create a program that aligns with your schedule and budget, equipping you with the essential resources for success.

With over 20 years of experience in visible emission evaluation, our associates are experts in the field. Our comprehensive expertise in Federal Reference Method 9 techniques, a cornerstone of ‘Smoke Schools: Opacity Training Method 9 Certification’, allows us to offer the highest quality training possible.

We are confident that our programs, designed to excel in ‘Smoke Schools: Opacity Training Method 9 Certification’, can guide you to achieve Method 9 certification in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Contact us today to discover more about our specialized services.

Whether your personnel need to be Initially Certified or are simply needing to be Re-certified in Visible Emission Evaluation Opacity Determination, Opaque Smoke School can meet your organizational needs. We specialize in Visible Emission Evaluation (Smoke School) Training. Let our organization work for you.


Worry-free Smoke School for Your Business

A Different Approach

At Opaque Smoke School, we believe the spirit under which your company operates is vital.

We will tailor our services to match your individual needs.

Unique Solutions

Though our certifications are the same for everyone, we treat all our clients as individuals and don’t think a one-sized-fits-all solution will work. We’ll help you develop a customized training session to fit your unique situation.

Quality Over Quantity

We believe in honoring the unique personalities, culture and market that has grown your business so far and hire only the very best technicians to help you meet your certification requirements.